This visualization shows energy jobs in the Northwest by state and county, according to 2023 data from the U.S. Energy & Employment Report (USEER).
The map shows energy jobs per capita (jobs per 10,000 people) in each county or absolute energy job numbers in each county, depending on the filter you choose. Counties with higher populations tend to have more energy jobs, and the map also shows where concentrations of specific industries (e.g., hydropower, oil refineries, coal production, etc.) are located throughout the region.
The bottom pie chart shows the distribution of energy jobs by sector (technology category) in the selected state.
Filter by state, sector, subsector, and/or job density (jobs per 10,000 people) or absolute job numbers using the dropdown menus on the right.
Hover your mouse over the map to see each county’s name, population, number of jobs in selected energy sector or subsector, and more.

Click on the "reset" button (third from the left in the bottom right-hand toolbar) to return to the original view. To learn more about interacting with the visualizations, visit Tableau Tips.